2020-02-21 09:28:14 UTC
Come da tradizione, per l'edizione 2019 del Rocce Rosse Blues Festival non potevano mancare i big della musica made in Italy, come Edoardo Bennato - il “Peter Pan Rock’N Roll Tour 2020” di Bennato ad alto contenuto rock e blues, sospeso tra grandi classici e ultimi successi - e Moses, che sono stati i protagonisti della serata di venerdì 20 dicembre al teatro Tonio Dei di Lanusei. E se Sabato 21 dicembre, nella stessa cornice del teatro Tonio Dei di Lanusei, la scena è stata tutta per i nomi di spicco del panorama soul e blues internazionale, quasi a sottolineare il ritorno alle origini di RRB Winter Edition 2019. Così, sul palco si sono schierate la Juwana Jenkins Blues Band, guidata da una delle migliori voci “black” contemporanee e
la Tony Braschi Blues Band, capitanata da uno dei pochi rock bluesman italiani in cima alle classifiche statunitensi, soprannominato il “Johnny Winter italiano”: il quale da Gennaio 2020 ha cambiato il suo nome d'arte in BRERA'S KEY.
As our tradition, for the 2019 edition of the Rocce Rosse Blues Festival the big names of made in Italy music could not be missing, such as Edoardo Bennato - the "Peter Pan Rock'N Roll Tour 2020" by Bennato with high rock and blues content, suspended between great classics and latest hits - and Moses, who were the protagonists of the evening of Friday 20 December at the Tonio Dei theater in Lanusei. And if Saturday 21 December, in the same setting of the Tonio Dei theater in Lanusei, the scene was all for the prominent names of the international soul and blues scene, as if to underline the return to the origins of RRB Winter Edition 2019. So, on stage the Juwana Jenkins Blues Band, led by one of the best contemporary "black" voices and the Tony Braschi Blues Band, led by one of the few Italian rock bluesmen at the top of the US charts, nicknamed the "Italian Johnny Winter" from January 2020 it changed its stage name to BRERA'S KEY.
la Tony Braschi Blues Band, capitanata da uno dei pochi rock bluesman italiani in cima alle classifiche statunitensi, soprannominato il “Johnny Winter italiano”: il quale da Gennaio 2020 ha cambiato il suo nome d'arte in BRERA'S KEY.
As our tradition, for the 2019 edition of the Rocce Rosse Blues Festival the big names of made in Italy music could not be missing, such as Edoardo Bennato - the "Peter Pan Rock'N Roll Tour 2020" by Bennato with high rock and blues content, suspended between great classics and latest hits - and Moses, who were the protagonists of the evening of Friday 20 December at the Tonio Dei theater in Lanusei. And if Saturday 21 December, in the same setting of the Tonio Dei theater in Lanusei, the scene was all for the prominent names of the international soul and blues scene, as if to underline the return to the origins of RRB Winter Edition 2019. So, on stage the Juwana Jenkins Blues Band, led by one of the best contemporary "black" voices and the Tony Braschi Blues Band, led by one of the few Italian rock bluesmen at the top of the US charts, nicknamed the "Italian Johnny Winter" from January 2020 it changed its stage name to BRERA'S KEY.